Recent Installations that don’t Include Wall drawings or Paintings

On the Wings, cut paper, 80 x 50 in, 2017
From the Flood, cut paper, 2015
From the Flood, cut paper, 2015
Spring on the Missouri at Boyer Chute, cut paper, 2015
Spring on the Missouri at Boyer Chute, cut paper, 2015




Driftless to Appalachia, 2014
Driftless to Appalachia, 2014



Driftless, 2012 / Collaboration with Caleb Coppock & Daphne Eck
A collection of found items from the Driftless region of SE Wisconsin with paintings and sculpture made in reaction to the surroundings while on location in the hills

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Strata, 2012 / Collaboration with Caleb Coppock & Daphne Eck
A collection of found items from Rowan County, KY 

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Diwai, Clay on wood in Wapualu Village, East Sepik Province, New Guinea